As the cost of life is continuously increasing, we raise progressively, starting from September 2018, the cash support so that the monthly income per person becomes EGP 370 instead of 310 previously ($21 USD instead of $18 USD) for widows families, and EGP 290 instead of 240 ($16 instead of $13 USD) for other families.

Each family is periodically visited every four months to update the given support according to its actual case, to cancel families whose conditions of life have been improved, and to accept new families with more critical needs.

Families with No Income are those whose average monthly income (before support) is less than EGP 150 per person ($9 USD).

Families with Low Income those whose average monthly income is between EGP  150 and 290 per person ($9 and $16 USD). 

May the Lord bless and reward each one that contributes to relieve His brethren.



Individuals receiving support

$1000 EGP

Average monthly support per family



families supported with low income


families supported with no income